C program that uses functions to Create a doubly linked list of integers

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

a)      Create a doubly linked list of integers.
b)      Delete a given integer from the above doubly linked list.

c)      Display the contents of the above list after deletion.

AIM: Implement the Single linked List


Inserting a node into DLL: Algorithm: Insert at front()

Allocate a memory for new node(new1) if (new1== NULL)

display memory is full (insertion is not possible)

end if else

read element  ele;

new1->data=ele;/*copy the data into new1 node */ new1->next=header->next; header->next->prev=new1;

header->next=new1; new1->prev=header;
end else

Algorithm: Insert at  End()


Allocate a memory for new node(new1) if(new1== NULL)

display memory is full (insertion is not possible)

end if else

while(ptr->next!=NULL )/*ptr moves end of list */ then


end new1->next=NULL new1->prev=ptr; new1->data=ele ptr->next=new1

end else

Algorithm:  Insert at middle ()

Allocate a memory for new node(new1)
if (new1== NULL) then
display memory is full (insertion is not possible)

exit else

read ele,pos ptr=header count=0


ptr=ptr->next; count ++;

if(count<pos-1) then
display position is not of range

end ptr=header count=0

while(count<pos-1) then

ptr=ptr->next count++

end new1->data=ele;

new1->next=ptr->next; new1->prev=ptr; ptr->next->prev=new1; ptr->next=new1
end else

Deleting a node from the DLL: Algorithm: delete at front()

if (header->next==NULL) then

display list is empty

end if else

temp=header->next; header->next=header->next->next; temp->next->prev=header; free(temp);

end if


Algorithm: Delete at end()
if(header->next==NULL) then
display list is empty

end if else

ptr=header; while(ptr->next->next!=NULL)


temp=ptr->next; ptr->next=NULL; free(temp);

end else

Algorithm:delete at anyposition()

if (header->next==NULL) then
display list is empty  /*deletion is not possible*/

end if ptr=header; count=0;

ptr=ptr->next; count++;


Display position is out of range


count=0; while(count<pos-1)


ptr=ptr->next; count++;


temp=ptr->next; ptr->next=temp->next; temp->next->prev=Ptr; free(temp)


Traversing a List:

if(ptr ->next==NULL)


display list is empty end if

while(ptr -> next!=NULL)

display ptr-> data
ptr=ptr -> next                                                          /* move to next node */

end if




struct node

int data;

struct node *next; struct node *prev;

struct node *header=NULL; struct node *ptr=NULL,*temp=NULL;

void create();

void insert_at_front(); void insert_at_end(); void insert_at_ middle(); void delete_at_front(); void delete_at_end(); void delete_at_middle(); void count();

void display(); void search();

int main()
int ch;

header=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); header->next=NULL;

header->prev=NULL; ptr=header;

printf("\n\n1.create \n2- insert at front\n3- insert at middle\n4- insert at end\n5-display\n6.delete_at_front\n7.delete_at_middle\n8.delete_at_end\\n9-exit");


printf("\nenter ur choice : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch)

case 1: create(); break;

case 2: insert_at_front(); break;

case 3: insert_at_middle(); break;

case 4: insert_at_end(); break;

case 5: display(); break;

case 6: delete_at_front(); break;

case 7: delete_at_middle(); break;

case 8: delete_at_end(); break;

case 9: exit(0);
default: printf("wrong choice");


void create()


char ch; while(1)


printf("if u want to continue press 'y' or 'n' :"); fflush(stdin);




void insert_at_front()
int ele;

struct node *new1;

new1=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(new1==NULL)

printf("out of space"); return;


printf("enter ele:"); scanf("%d",&ele); new1->next=header->next; header->next->prev=new1; header->next=new1; new1->prev=header; new1->data=ele; printf("inserted successfully");


void insert_at_end()

struct node *new1; int ele;

new1=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr=header;


printf("out of space"); return;


printf("enter Inserted ele:"); scanf("%d",&ele);

/* Move the pointer to upto end of the node*/ while(ptr->next!=NULL)


new1->next=NULL; new1->prev=ptr; ptr->next=new1; new1->data=ele; printf("inserted successfully");


void insert_at_middle()

struct node *new1; int ele;

int pos,count=0;
new1=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));


printf("out of space"); return;

printf("enter Inserted ele:"); scanf("%d",&ele);

printf("enter where it to be inserted at what position number:"); scanf("%d",&pos);

/* Calculate the no of elements in the list */ while(ptr->next!=NULL)


count++; ptr=ptr->next;


/*Compare the entered positions number is valid or not using count the no.of elements in the list*/


printf("pos is out of range"); return;



/*Move the ptr upto particular entered position number*/ while(count<pos-1)


ptr=ptr->next; count++;

new1->next=ptr->next; new1->prev=ptr; ptr->next->prev=new1; ptr->next=new1; new1->data=ele; printf("inserted successfully");


void display()


/* Check the List is Empty or not*/ if(ptr->next==NULL)


printf("list is empty"); return;



printf("%u,%d,%u -> ",ptr->next->prev,ptr->next->data,ptr->next->next); ptr=ptr->next;



void delete_at_front()


/* Check the List is Empty or not*/ if(ptr->next==NULL)


printf("list is empty deletion is not possible"); return;

temp=ptr->next; ptr->next=ptr->next->next; ptr->next->prev=ptr; free(temp);
printf("deleted succssfully");


void delete_at_end()


/* Check the List is Empty or not*/ if(ptr->next==NULL)

printf("list is empty deletion is not possible"); return;


/*Move the ptr upto last but one node*/ while(ptr->next->next!=NULL)



temp=ptr->next; ptr->next=NULL;

free(temp); /* Clear the Memory*/ printf("deleted succssfully");


void delete_at_middle()

int pos,count; ptr=header;
/* Check the List is Empty or not*/ if(ptr->next==NULL)

printf("list is empty deletion is not possible"); return;


/* Calculate the no.of elements in the list */ while(ptr->next!=NULL)


ptr=ptr->next; count++;

printf("enter deleted position number:"); scanf("%d",&pos);

/*Compare the entered positions number is valid or not using count the no.of elements in the list*/


printf("position is out of range"); return;


/*Move the ptr upto particular entered position number*/ while(ptr->next->next!=NULL&&count<pos-1)

ptr=ptr->next; count++;

temp=ptr->next; ptr->next=ptr->next->next; ptr->next->prev=ptr; free(temp);
printf("deleted succssfully");


/*OUTPUT: 1.create

2- insert at front
3-insert at middle

4-insert at end

5-display 6.delete_at_front 7.delete_at_middle 8.delete_at_end 9-exit

EnterUrchoice: 1
Enter Inserted ele: 10

Inserted successfullyif u wants to continue press 'y' or 'n’: n

EnterUrchoice: 5 28938256,10,0 -> NULL

Enter ur choice: 2 enter ele: 20

Inserted successfully

enter ur choice : 5

28938256,20,28938288 -> 28938320,10,0 -> NULL

enter ur choice : 3 enter Inserted ele:25

enter where it to be inserted at what position number:2 inserted successfully

enter ur choice : 5
28938256,20,28938352 -> 28938320,25,28938288 -> 28938352,10,0 -> NULL

enter ur choice : 3 enter Inserted ele:35

enter where it to be inserted at what position number:3 inserted successfully

enter ur choice : 5
28938256,20,28938352     ->  28938320,25,28938384  ->  28938352,35,28938288  ->

28938384,10,0 -> NULL

enter ur choice : 6 deleted succssfully

enter ur choice : 5
28938256,25,28938384 -> 28938352,35,28938288 -> 28938384,10,0 -> NULL

enter ur choice : 7

enter deleted position number:2 deleted succssfully

enter ur choice : 5
28938256,25,28938288 -> 28938352,10,0 -> NULL

enter ur choice : 8 deleted succssfully

enter ur choice : 5 28938256,25,0 -> NULL

enter ur choice : 9